Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/797

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N O M I N U M. 791 Perkins or Charite, Humphrey^ prb. Westminster, 355. Perkinson, John, prb. York, 179. Perkyns, Humphrey, prb. Westminster, 351- . I Pern, Andrew, proc. Cambridge, 617. Pern, Andrew, tax. Cambridge, 642. Pern, Henry, tax. Cambridge, 641. Perne, Andrew, proc. Cambridge, 621. Perne, Andrew, tax. Cambridge, 636. Perne, Andrew, mast. Peter house, Cambridge, 668. Perne, Andrew, 'ice-chan. Cambridge, 604, 605. Perne, John, proc. Cambridge, 625. Perne, John, tax. Cambridge, 639. Perot, John, pre. York, 156. Perpoynt, William, prb. York, 195. Perrincheif, Richard, prb. Westmins- ter. 361. Perrot, Richard, prb, York, 208. Perrot, Simon, proc. Oxford, 488. Perrott, Charles, burg. Oxford, 506. Perry, Charles, bp. Melbourne, 339. Persevall, Robert, archd. Chester, 266. Perse vail or Percival, Robert, prb. dies - " ter, 269. Person, Thomas, vice-chan. Oxford, 473. Pessamer, William de, pre. York, 154. Peter, prb. York, 209, 215, 226. Peter, archd. York, 133. Peter of Savoy, (Worcester,) 54. Peter, John Thomas Henry, proc. Ox- ford, 504. Peterson, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 637. Peterson, Robert, prb. York, 202. Peterson, William, dn. Carlisle, 246. Petragoricis, Talyrandus de, dn. York, 123. Petre, Richard, ])rb. York, 197. Pett, P^vans, prof. anat. Oxford, 527. Pett, Phineas, proc. Oxford, 501. Pett, Phineas, prin. St. Mary hall, Ox- ford, 505. Pettie,William, j)rof. anat. Oxford, 526. Pettingal, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 500. Petty, Right Hon. Lord Henry, burg. Cambridge, 652. Pettye, Thomas, jjrb. Southwell, 457. Peverel, Thomas, bp. Worcester, 60. Peyrson, Thomas, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Peyrson or Pereson, John, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, .'352. PhclpH, Robert, inaHt. Sidney Sussex coll. (yambridgc, 704. PhelpH, Robert, vice-chan. Cambridge, 613. Philip, archd. York, 133. Philip, (York,) no. Phihpe, John, proc. Cambridge, 615. Philips, George, proc. Oxford, 494. Phihps, John, archd. Cleveland, 148. Philips, John, archd. Man, 329. Phihps, John, bp. Sodor and Man, 327. Philips, Morgan, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Philips, Rowland, proc. Oxford, 485. Philipson, Thomas, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Phillimore, Joseph, Reg. prof. civ. law, Oxford, 512. Philhpps,Arthur,prof.mus.Oxford,527» Phillips, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 501. Philpot, Benjamin, archd. Man. 330. Philpot, John, archd. AVinchester, 26. Philpott, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 634. Philpott, Henry, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 687. Philpott, Henry, vice-chan. Cambridge, 613. Phillpotts, Henry, prb. Durham, 310, 317- Phillpotts, Henry, dn. Chester, 265. Phipps, Rowland, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 544. Physicus, Vv illiam, prb. Southwell, 461. Picard, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 615. Pickering, Robert, archd. Northumber- land, 306. Pickering, Robert, dn. York, 122. Pickering, Theophilus, prb. Durham, 312,319- Pickering, William, prb. York, 224. Pickering, WiUiam, dn. York, 122. Pickering, William de, archd. Notting- ham, 150. Pierce, Thomas, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 563. Pierpoint, Edmund, mast. Jesu3 coll. Cambridge, 688. Piers, John, mast. Balliol coll. Oxford, r)4i- Piers, John, dn. Chester, 264. Piers, John, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 568. Piers, John, abp. York, iir;. Piers, William, vice-chan. ()xford,427. Pierson, Robert, tax. Cambridge, 635. Pierson, Robert, archd. Cleveland, 149. Pigge, Anthony, prb. York, 1H9. Pigot, John, |)rb. Southwell, 417. l*igott, llolicM, pri), ^'ork, 206. I'ikcTC'll, William, chan. O.^ford, 464. I'ileHon, William, orb. York, 217. I'ileus, archd. Durham, 303.