Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/798

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792 INDEX Pilffrim, Thomas, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 66 1. Pilkington, Charles, prb. York, 213. Pilkington, James, mast. St. John's coll. Cambridge, 692. Pilkington, James, bj). Durham, 294. Pilkinglon, John, prb. Durham, 309. Pilkington, John, archd. Durham, 304. Pilkington, Leonard, prb. Durham, 315. Pilkington, Leonard, Reg. prof. div. Cambridge, 655. Pilkington, Leonard, mast. St. John's coll. Cambridge, 692. Pilkington, Rich., archd. Carlisle, 249. Pilton, William, prb. York, 207. Pinchebeck, Robert de, prb. York, 205. Pindar, Robert, tax. Cambridge, 644. Pinibus, John de, prb. Southwell, 462. Pink, Robert, proc. Oxford, 491. Pinke, Robert, ward. New coll. Oxford, .555. Pinke, Robert, vice-chan. Oxford, 477. Pinkerton, James S., proc. Oxford, 504. Pissiaco, Maurice de, prb. York, 168. Pitman, William, tax. Cambridge, 642. Pitt,Evans, Reg. prof. med.Oxford,5i3. Pitt, Right Hon. William, burg. Cam- bridge, 652. Pittes, Richard, archd. Cleveland, 147. Plampin, John, proc. Cambridge, 631. Plampin, John, tax. Cambridge, 645. Plantagenet, Geoffrey, treas. York, 158. Plantagenet, Geoffrey, abp. York, loi. Playfere, Thomas, Marg. prof. div. Cambridge, 654. Plumer, Christopher, prb. York, 175. Plummer, Christo., can. Windsor, 391. Plumptre, Frederick Charles, mast. University coll. Oxford, 539. PlumjUre, Frederick Charles, vice-chan. Oxford, 479. Plum])tre, James, tax. Cambridge, 646. Plumptre, John, i)rb. Worcester, 82. Plumptre, Robert, prof. mor. theol. Cambridge, 663. Plumptre, Robert, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 610, 61 1. Plumjjtre, Russell, Reg. prof. phys. Cambridge, 659. Plumptree, Robert, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 686. Pocklington, John, can. Windsor, 402. Pocklyngton, John, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. Pocklyngton, John de, ward. Balliol coll. Oxford, 540. Pocock, Edward, Laud. prof. Arab. Oxford, 528. Pocock, Edward, Reg. prof, Heb. Ox- ford, 515. Podio Barsago, Pontius de, prb. York, 174. Podioborsaco, John de, archd. Win- chester, 25. Poitiers, Philip of, bp. Durham, 284. Pokyswell or Poxwell, John, prin. Al- ban hall, Oxford, 591. Polbery, George, prb. York, 203. Pole, Edward, archd. East-Riding, 143. Pole, Edward, archd. Richmond, 140. Pole, Reginald, prb. York, 197. Pole, Reginald, chan. Cambridge, 601. Pole, Reginald, chan. Oxford, 468. Pole, John de la, prb. York, 226. Pole, Thomas de la, prb. York, 184. Pollard, John, proc. Oxford, 487. Pollard, Leonard, prb. Worcester, 86. Pollen, John Hungerford, proc. Ox- ford, 505. Pollet, John, proc. Oxford, 487. Polton, Philip, archd. Gloucester, 78. Polton, Thomas, prb. York, 196, 215. Polton, Thomas, dn. York, 124. Polton, Thomas, bp. Worcester, 60. Ponet or Poynet, John, bp. Winches- ter, 17. Pont, Nicholas du, recteur ou cure de St. Helier, 23. Ponteburgh, WilUam de, prb. York, 210. Pontissara, John de, bp. Winchester, 1 1. Pontissara, John de, chan. Oxford, 464. Pool, . . , . , proc. Oxford, 485. Pooley, John, proc. Cambridge, 623. Poor, Richard, bp. Durham, 285. Pope, John, ward. All Souls coll. Ox- ford, 559. Pope, Stephen, proc. Cambridge, 633. Pope, Walter, proc. Oxford, 494. Popy, Henry, prin. St. Mary hall, Ox- ford, 584. Porie, John, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 681. Porie, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 604. Porson, Richard, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 661. Porter, George, jiroc. Oxford, 494. Porter, George, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cambridge, 657. Porter, Harry, proc. (^ambridge, 632. Porter, John, prb. Southwell, 426, 441. Porter, John, Reg. prof. Heb. Cam- bridge, 659. Porter, Thomas, jirb. Southwell, 428. Porter, William, prb. Southwell, 427. Porter, WiUiam, })roc. Oxford, 484.