Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 4.djvu/129

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HODGDON î>. BUBLEleH. 116 �is admitied, the demandant haa acquired. The first deed was executed April 30, 1849, by Samuel Cony, land agent, and is as f oUows : �" To ail persona to whom these presents may come : Samuel Cony, land agent for the state of Maine, sends greeting : �"Whereas, on the twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1849, Moses McDonald, treasurer of the state aforesaid, furnished said land agent with a list of ail tracts and townships of land on which the taxes, costs, and interest had not aU been paid, and which had by him been advertised, as provided in an act giving further time to redeem the lands forfeited to the state for the non-payment of taxes, and for the disposition of lands ■which may hereafter become forfeited, approved August 10, 1848, which list includes the tract of land hereinafter de- Bcribed, on which the sum of $218.37 appeared by said list to be due and unpaid for said taxes, costs, and interest. �"And, whereas, afterwards, on the thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1849, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the land-office of the state, in Augusta, said land agent did sell saidpremises hereinafter described to William H. McCrillis, of Bangor, in the county of Penobscot and state of Maine, at auction, for the sum of $300, he being the highest bidder therefor, at that sum, said land agent having first given public notice of said time and place of sale by publishing such notice three weeks Buceessively in the Age; being the state paper of said state of Maine : �"Now, know ye that I, Samuel Cony, in my said capacity, in consideration of the premises and of the payment of said sum of $300, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby sell and convey to him, the said McCrfllis, his heirs and assigns, forever, ail the right, title, and interest which the state of Maine bas, by virtue of such forfeiture, in and to 15,026 acres of land in township No. 8, range 3, west from the east line of the state, in the county of Aroostook ; to have and to hold the premises aforesaid, with ail the priv- ileges and appui-tenances thereof, to him, the said McCrillis, his heirs and assigns, forever : Provided, hoivever, that the ����