Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/149

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§ 145
Practical Lessons.


145. For the purpose of illustrating by practice some of the questions that may arise in any assembly, let us suppose a meeting has been called to discuss some of the current topics or political questions of the day. Shortly after the time for which the meeting was called some member will rise, face the assembly, and say: “The meeting will please come to order.” He may here state briefly the object of the meeting, and conclude his remarks by saying, “Nominations for chairman are in order.”

Mr. Newton (rising): I nominate Mr. Adler for chairman.

The Acting Chairman: Mr. Adler has been nominated. Are there other nominations? (After a short pause.) As many as favor Mr. Adler for chairman say Aye. Those opposed, No.

If the ayes are in majority he will say: “The ayes have it. Mr. Adler is elected and will please take the chair.”