Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/78

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Fifty Candles

of me it appeared to give way to an intense relief.

“You’ve come back,” she said, as though in surprise. “Oh—I’m so glad you’ve come back.”

At the moment I did not understand the full meaning of her words. Carlotta Drew sat up at sight of Doctor Parker and abandoned her mechanical exhibition of grief. Perhaps she remembered the effect of tears on even the most careful make-up.

“Now, what’s it all about?” boomed Riley. “Mrs. MacShane———” He turned to the old servant.

“The poor man!” wept Mrs. MacShane. “In there—in the dining-room———”

“Has any wan called the station?”

“Sure, I called ’em,” said the old woman, evidently efficient even under stress.

“They’ll be sendin’ a detective over,” said Riley. “No wan leaves—that’s understood.”