Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/79

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Fifty Candles

He passed on into the tragic room where the candles were burning. Hurrying to Mary Will’s side I began once more the tale of my adventures since my finding of the millionaire’s body. As I spoke in a low voice I thought she looked at me in an odd way. My heart sank. Was even Mary Will going to doubt my story?

Riley returned.

“It’s hard to realize, Mrs. MacShane,” he said. “He was a kind man—you know that. Many’s the time, on cold nights, he had me in from the misty streets for a drop—but no matter.”

There was a brisk knock at the front door and a figure muffled in a huge coat stepped into the hall. Close behind came two policemen in uniform. At sight of the figure leading the way Riley was all respect.

“Sergeant Barnes—you are needed here,” he said.
