Page:Fighting in Cuban Waters.djvu/332

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"My, but that was immense!" cried Walter, while Si and the others cheered wildly. "Give them another!"

And they did give the battery another, and then a dozen more, until at last the place was silenced, showing that what was left of the gunners had fled.

At half-past seven came the order to cease firing, but it was fully twenty minutes later before the last of the warships guns were discharged. By this time not only the batteries but also old Morro were filled with gaping holes. It is more than likely that if the fleet had sought to enter the harbor at this time it could have done so with comparative ease.

The work at the gun had been very hot, and as soon as they were able to do so, Walter and Si scurried to the upper deck to get a bit of fresh air.

"It fairly stews the fat out of a fellow," grumbled Si, running the perspiration from his forehead with his forefinger. "I'll bet I'm ten pounds lighter than before this blockade began."

"Never mind; it's one of the fortunes of war—" began Walter, when of a sudden a strange whir and a singing sound filled the air. It was a shell,