Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/315

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287 WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. In Onp Vohime, 8ro. pricf 16-s. cfoth. HISTORY OF THE FRENCH IN INDIA. FROM THE FOUNDING OF PONDICHERY IN 1674, TO THE CAPTURE OF THAT PLACE IN 1761. BY COLONEL G. B. MALLESON, C.S.L (London : Longmans & Co. 18^8.) " Colonel Malleson has produced a volume alike attractive to the general reader and valuable for its new matter to the special student. It is not too much to say that now, for the first time, we are furnished with a faithful narrative of that portion of European enterprise in India which turns upon the contest waged by the East India Company against French influence, and especially against Dupleix." Review.