Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/316

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288 WOKKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR — {cOllthmed.) AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OP THE NATIYE STATES OF INDIA, IN SUBSIDIAEY ALLIANCE WITH THE BEITISH GOVERNMENT. BY COLONEL G. B. MALLESON, C.S.I. (London : Longmans, 1875.) " This is a book at once interesting to all who desire to gain some acquaintance with the history of the numerous subsidiary and media- tized Native States of India, and very valuable as a book of reference to all who require at times to make themselves acquainted with the history of our relations with one or other of the States, either allied to, or mediatized by, us in India, To those who are familiar with Colonel Malleson's previous writings, it is unnecessary for us to say that the work is done thoroughly and conscientiously." Standard. THE MUTINY OF THE BENGAL ARMY. (THE RED PAMPHLET.) (London : Bosworth & Harrison, 1857.) " The noble Earl (Granville) now accused him of not going to the Blue Books for his information, but to a certain ' Red Pamphlet.' He certainly had read the ' Bed Pamphlet,' and if any of their Lordships had not done so he advised them to read it, because a more able resume of facts connected with those concurrences he could not conceive." The (late) Earl op Derby's Speech in the House of Lords.