Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/317

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WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOE — {continued.) 289 RECREATIONS of an INDIAN OFFICIAL. (London : Longjlvns, 1871.) " Colonel Malleson will do good semce by thus pursuing the History of India, so complicated and so little studied, into its darker comers. Thus only by attracting attention to the prominent features in Indian history, by casting light upon the salient features of their career, and makmg them stand out boldly fi-om the canvas, that it will ever be possible to interest the general reader in Indian affairs. This Colonel Malleson is doing, and doing well, and we wish him the success he deserves." The Times. STUDIES FROM GENOESE HISTORY. (London: Longmans, 1875.) •' Colonel Malleson has done well in preferring to give us rather a series of pictures of the salient points in Genoese history than a mere methochcal narrative or a succinct epitome The incidents related by him are thoroughly typical, and their grouping genuine and di'amatic. The sketches of Jacopo Boufadio and of the Doria, are Specimens of literary work of a high order." The World. SJiorthj will be published A HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY, Taking up the account from the end of Sir .John Kave's Second Volume. 19