Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/324

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HAYDN (Joseph) — Book of Dignities, containing lists of the Official Personages of the British Empire, Civil, Diplomatic, Heraldic, Judicial, Ecclesiastical, Municipal, Naval and Military, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time, together with the Sovereigns and Rulers of the World from the Foundation of their respective States ; the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdom and India, and numerous other hsts. Founded on Beatson's ' Political Index' (1806). Remodelled and brought down to 1851 by the late Joseph Haydn. Continued to the Present Time, with numerous additional lists, and an Index to the entire Work by Horace Ockerby, Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Demy 8vo (pub 25s), 8s 6d 'The most complete official directory in existence, containing about 1300 different Usts.' — Times. HERSCHEL(Sir John F. W., Bart., K.H., &c.)— Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. New Edition, cr 8vo (pub 6s), 2s HUNTER (Sir W.)— Bengal MS. Records. A Selected List of Letters in the Board of Revenue, Calcutta, 178-3-1807, with an Historical Dissertation and Analytical Index, i vols demy 8vo (pub 30s), 16s 6d HUNTER (J.) — A Manual of Bee-keeping. Containing Practical Information for Rational and Profitable Methods of Bee Management. Full Instructions on Stimulative Feeding, Ligurianising and Queen-raising, with descriptions of the American Comb Foundation, Sectional Supers, and the best Hives and Apiarian Appliances on all Systems. Fourth Edition, Illustrations, cr 8vo (pub 3s 6d), 2s JOHNSON (Mrs Grace)— Anglo-Indian and Oriental Cookery. Cr 8vo (pub 3s 6d), 2s ' Overflows with all sorts of delicious and economical recipes.' — Pall Mall Budget. ' Housewives and professors of the gentle art of cookery who deplore the dearth of dainty dishes will find a veritable gold mine in Mrs Johnson's book.' —Pall Mall Gazette. Appeals to us from a totally original standpoint. She has thoroughly and completely investigated native and Anglo-Indian cuisines, and brought away the very specimen.s of their art. Her pillau and kodgree are perfect, in our opinion; curries are scientifically classed ami (^x[ilainofl,aiKl some of the daintiest recipes we have ever seen are given, but the puddings particularly struck our fancy. Puddings as a rule are .so nasty! The pudding that is nourishing is hideously insiiiid, and of the smart pudding it may truly bi; said that its warp is dyspepsia, and its woof indigestion. Mrs Johnson's puddings are Ixjth good to taste and pretty to look at, and the names of some of her native dishes would brighten any menu.