Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/325

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5 KEENE{H. G., C.I.E., M.R.A.S., &c.)— History of India. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. For the use of Students and Colleges. 2 vols, with Maps. Cr 8vo (pub 16s), 8s 6d ' The volumes are supplied with many useful maps, and the appendix includes notes on Indian law and on recent books about India." — Globe. An Oriental Biographical Dictionary. Founded on Mate- rials collected by the late Thomas William Beale. New Edition, revised and enlarged, royal 8vo (pub 28s), 7s 6d The Fall of the Moghul Empire. From the Death of Aurungzeb to the Overthrow of the Mahratta Power. New Edition, Map, cr 8vo (pub 7s 6d), 3s LEE (Rev. F. G., D.D.) — Examples of the Supernatural, or, Sights and Shadows. New Edition. With a Preface addressed to the Critics. Cr 8vo (pub 6s), 3s LUPTON (James, F.R.C.V.S.)— The Horse: as he Was, as he Is, and as he Ought to Be, with Illustrations. Cr 8vo (pub 3s 6d), 2s MALLESON (Col. G. B.)— History of the French in India. From the Founding of Pondicherry in 1674, to the Capture of that place in 1761. New and Revised Edition, with Maps. Demy 8vo (pub 16s), 5s 6d Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas. New Edition. Cr 8vo (pub 6s), 3s NEWMAN (Edward, F.Z.S.)— British Butterflies and Moths. Illustrated with nearly 900 Life-size Figures of Species of Butterflies and Moths. Super royal 8vo (pub 25s), 12s PRATTEN (Mary A.)-My Hundred §wiss Flowers, with a short account of Swiss Ferns. 60 Illustrations. Cr 8vo, plain plates (pub 12s 6d), 3s ' The temptation to produce such books as this seoms irresistable. The author fools a want ; the want is undeniable. After more or less hesitation he feels he can supply it. It is pleasantly written, and atlbrds useful hints as to localities.' — Alhencuum. The Same, with plates coloured by hand (pub 25s), 8s 6d