Page:Fire-side companions.pdf/4

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{{bc|Search all the world over you never can find,
A maiden ſo bleſ'd, or a ſhepherd ſo kind. A, etc.


'Tis love like the ſun that gives life to the year,
The ſweeteſt of bleſſings that light can endear;
Our pleaſure it brightens, drives ſorrow away,
Gives joy to the night, and enlivens the day. A, etc.

With Phebe beſide me, the ſeaſon how gay?
And Winter's bleak months are as pleaſant as May:
The Summer's gay verdure ſtill ſprings as ſhe treads,
And linnets & nightingales ſing thro' the meads,'etc.


When Colin is abſent,'tis Winter all round,
How faint is the ſunſhine! how barren the ground!
Inſtead of the linnet, the nightingale's ſong.
I hear the hoarſe raven croak all the day long. etc,


O'er hill, dale and valley, my Phebe and I,
Together ſhall wander, and love ſhall be by;
Poorr Colin ſhall wander ſaſe all the long day,
And Phebe at night all his pains ſhall repay etc.


By moonlight when ſhadows glide over the plain,
His kiſſes ſhall cheer me, his arms ſhall ſuſtain,
The dark haunted grove I can trace without fear,
And sleep in a charlh-yard if Colin be near. etc.


Ye ſhepherds that wanton it over the plain,
How fleeting your tranſports! how laſting your pain!
Inconſtancy ſhun, and reward the kind ſhe,
And learn to be happy from Phebe und me. And,etc.