Page:Fire-side companions.pdf/5

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Ye nymphs who the pleaſures of love never try'd,
Attend to my ſtrains and take me for your guide,
Your hearts keep from pride and inconſtancy free,
And learn to be happy from Colin and me. And etc.

King John and, the Bishop of Canterbury.

I'LL tell you a jeſt that lately was done,
Concerning the Bishop of Canterbury
Who for his good houſe-keeping, & his good cheer,
Was forced before King John to appear.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.

What now, Mr. Biſhop! 'tis told unto me,
That you keep a far better houſe than we;
And if you be a man, a man of renown
You've committed treaſon againſt our crown. etc,

If I've committed treaſon pray let it be known;
I'm ſure I've ſpent no body's gear but my own:
I hope my Leige, I won't pay too dear,
For ſpending of my own well-won gear. etc.

Mr. Biſhop, for thy jeſting with me here,
There is three queſtions at thee I will ſpier;
And if thou do not anſwer them aright,
Your head from your body ſhall be taken ſtraight etc.

Firſt, You muſt tell me, when on my ſteed,
With a crown of gold upon my head
With all my nobility, joy, and great mirth,
You muſt tell me to one penny what I am worth, etc.