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to; it amused me.


I was attracted, too.

There was a

vividness of youth about him. I didn’t realise how much { was going to miss him out of my life, though, until we came back. I did miss him. Like hell!” “He was the one to whom you really gave?” “Hardly so much as a kiss. I wanted to keep it that way, and he was slave to me. He was an innocent sort of soul, I think. Every year he sends me a card on my birthday—that was the date of our first meeting—to remind me that sometime we are to take up our friendship again. I never answer but I never quite forget.” “Ah, that’s the sort of thing that I’d have asked but

never expected of you.” “No; you never could have had it. That’s the sort of thing that one gives but once.” Suddenly she shot out her white, strong hand and gripped his wrist. “If you’d ever been really in love with me,” she said fiercely, “you

wouldn’t let me die. You'd find some way to save me.” His rugged face softened with pain. “My dear,” he said, “don’t you know that if there were any way in the world, any sacrifice——” “Yes;

I know;

I know!

[Pm sorry.

That was a rot-

ten thing to say.” “You’ve taken it all like such a good sport.” “[’m trying. Let’s not talk of it any more. Let’s talk of the girls. Bob, how much is there to heredity?” “Oh, Lord! Ask me to square the circle. Or make

the fifth hole in one. Or something easy.” “I was just thinking. Who’s going to look after them? Ralph won’t be of much use. He’s too detached.” “Well, the family physician can be of service in some ways,” he said slowly. “Particularly if he chances to be a family friend, too.”

“Would you?” she cried eagerly.

“They'll be a hand-