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ful. Any modern girl is. But I'd rest easier, knowing you were on the job. Speaking of resting, I had rather a rotten night last night.” “What were you doing in the evening?” “We had a little poker party here in the room.” He shrugged his heavy shoulders. “If you won’t pay any heed to your doctor’s orders ” You know I won’t.” “Then you’ve got to pay the piper.” “Haven’t you got anything that will make me sleep?” “Were the pains bad?” “Pretty stiff. Will they get worse?” “I’m afraid so, my dear.” “More dope, then, please.” “Dangerous.” “Well?” She smiled up into his face, pleadingly, temptingly. “Well, Bob?” Her voicedropped. ‘“What’s the difference? Since it’s a hopeless case. Don’t be an inquisitor and sentence me to torture in the name of your god, Science,” she whispered.

He yielded. as you can?”

“All right.

But you'll stand it as long

“Good old Bob!” she murmured. She reached for his hand, twined her fingers around it, nestled it into her firm and rounded neck. ‘Then she laughed. “Well?” he queried. “Association

of ideas,” she answered.

ing of Cary Scott.” He winced and drew his hand away. Scott?”

“I was think-

‘‘What of Cary

“Tf he doesn’t come back pretty soon, what a joke it will be on him!”