Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/247

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have been, to say the least of them, suspicious. But you answer me two questions, truthfully and promptly, and I'll make it right about that warrant instead of detaining you till I've enquired into the Pugh business. First, from whom did that cheque for five thousand pounds come that you had specially cleared at your bank the other day?"

"From a City firm, Ledsham, Castleford and Company, who—secretly, mind you—are going into this oil business with me,"replied Wraypoole, promptly. "Their place is in Queen Victoria Street."

"Very well!" said Wedgwood. "Now the other—and most important! Who was the man you saw John with the evening of the murder? Come now!"

Wraypoole hesitated. Then he caught sight of his wife's agitated face.

"Well, I'll tell you!" he said, suddenly. "But I don't believe he'd anything to do with it. A man named Levigne, a financial chap, who has an office not far from where they were talking, top of Chancery Lane."

"You mean Levigne who's a director of that new Mortover Main Colliery Company?" said Wedgwood. "Lives in Cleveland Square?"

"That's the man! But———"

Wedgwood motioned him to join his wife.