Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/248

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"All right, Wraypoole!" he said. "You should have told me that before! Off you go—you've a quarter of an hour left. And—if your evidence is wanted you'll come across!"

A moment later the inquisitive apprentice saw Wraypoole and his wife actually shake hands with the three detectives, Wedgwood making some evidently humorous remark in the process and hurry with their belongings to the steamer, where they were speedily swallowed up amongst a crowd of fellow-passengers. And stealing out of his hiding-place he made his way to where Wedgwood and the other men were talking, and pulled Wedgwood's sleeve.

"What's that mean?" he demanded. "You've not let them go!"

Wedgwood looked round. He had forgotten Stainsby.

"Been a slight mistake, my lad!" he said. "Never mind—I've got the most valuable bit of information I've had since I started on this business!" He rubbed his hands at the thought of it. "Come on!" he said. "We're just going to have a cup of tea together before I get off to London again—you'll be coming with me, of course."

Stainsby gave another glance at the long,