Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/404

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Held at 22, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, on Tuesday Evening, June 24th, 1890.

G. L. Gomme, Esq., Director, in the Chair.

THE Report of the Council was read by the Secretary, Mr. Foster:—

The Council have deemed it desirable to revert to an earlier date for the Annual Meeting of the Society than has been the practice of the past two years.

There is only six months’ work to report, therefore, and though a great deal of attention has been given by the Council and their Committees to the recommendations adopted by the Society in November last, it is too early to report definite results.

The Council’s first attention was directed to the publications of the Society. They appointed an Editorial Committee, consisting of the Hon. J. Abercromby, Mr. Gomme, and Mr. Nutt, to whom were deputed the duties attendant upon the publication of the Journal of the Society. The title of this Journal was the first important question to be decided, and the Council congratulate the Society upon the one adopted—Folk-Lore. The Committee has the valuable aid of Mr. Joseph Jacobs as Editor of Folk-Lore, and the result of the new arrangement will, the Council believe, be satisfactory to the Members of the Society, and a distinct advantage to the scientific study of Folk-lore. The Council hope that Members will use every effort to make the new Journal known in all parts of the country, and will forward to the Editor all contributions that may prove of service.