Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/406

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Proceedings at the Annual Meeting.

of our study. The Council will issue further particulars as soon as definite arrangements are made, and so that no expense shall fall upon the funds of the Society, they propose the formation of a small guarantee fund to cover any expenditure in excess of the Congress fee.

During the last session the following evening meetings have been held, and have been very well attended.

Nov. 25.—
Annual Address by the President.
Dec. 17.—
Legends from Torres Straits. By Professor A. C. Haddon.
Jan. 28.—
The Development of the Ossianic Saga. By Alfred Nutt.
Feb. 25.—
Legends of the Island-Frisians. By William George Black.
Lady Godiva. By E. Sidney Hartland.
March 25.—
Notes on the Folk-lore of Beetles. By W. F. Kirby.
The Grail and other Palestinian Legends. By the Rev. Dr. Gaster.
April 29.—
A Highland Folk-tale and its Origin in Custom. By G. L. Gomme.
Recent Views on the Nibelungenlied. By Alfred Nutt.
An English Folk-tale. By Joseph Jacobs.
May 27.—
Marriage Customs of the Mordvins. By the Hon. J. Abercromby.
June 24.—
The Collection of English Folk-lore. By Miss Burne.

The roll of members has increased from 346 to 375.

ANDREW LANG, President.
G. L. GOMME, Director.

The Chairman moved the adoption of the Report, which was seconded and agreed to nem. con.

The Treasurer’s Report was then read by Mr. Foster, and adopted nem. con. (See opposite page)

Mr. Christie moved the election of Mr. Andrew Lang as President; Lord Beauchamp, Sir John Lubbock, Dr. E. B. Tylor, and General Pitt-Rivers as Vice-Presidents;