Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/546

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Lizard, charm for bite of, 334

Lockhart (J. H. Stewart), Notes on Chinese Folk-lore, 359-368 ; " Mar- riage ceremonies of the Manchus," 481-492

Lonesome Isle, Queen of, 257

Looking-glass, fierce ghost produced by committing suicide before, 362

Loujichan, bride- purchase custom of, 478

Lung Shan (Kwangtung Province) market at, 360

, marriage fair custom at, 364 ;

temple of Goddess of Mercy at, 366

MABUIAG legend, " Why the Spirits of the Dead go to Kibuka," 55-56

, snake woman of, 192

McDonald (J.), " Tales and Legends of

the Highlands" (letter), 516-517 Magdalene. See "St. Mary Magda- lene."

Magic songs of Finns, 17-46, 331-348 Magician of Sai-ndm (Chinese folk

tale), 362-364 Magyars, betrothals among, 456 ;

bride called lamb among, 443 Mahratta (South), female nudity in

religious festivals in, 223 Maicussar river, gigantic bird of, 76 Maidens, fair at Chan Fan of, 364 Malay Peninsula, frightening away thunder in, 153, 162 ; threshold belief in, 156 ; weather supersti- tion in, 163 Male, marriageable age of, in China,


Mallet, family, 202, 203, 405 Malu, Legend of (Torres Straits tale),

181-184, 193

Mamousia, flower festival at, 518 Man, Finn account of origin of, 23 Manchus, Marriage Ceremonies of, 481-492

, alternate drinking from same

cup of bride and groom among, 491 ; arrangement of marriages by, 481 ; betrothal presents of, 484 ; bride and groom inspections of, among, 483 ; bride-chair of, 486 ; bride- feast of, 486 ; bridal presents of, j 485 ; cards exchanged before mar- riage by, 483 ; drinking ceremony of, 491 ; marriage ceremonies of, 485-490, 491 ; methods of exorcising evil spirits by, 487 ; middlemen used in marriages by, 482 Manilbau, Badu legendary hero of, 80

Margaret, tradition of Queen, at

Muckleston, 319

Marriage among early Slavs, 463-480 by capture among early Slavs,

464 492


Ceremonies of Manchus, 481-

Chinese juvenile, 492 customs of modern Greeks,

islanders, 79

of Run Kong, 365 of Mordvins, 417-462 of Torres Straits

of Ug Chan, 365-366

Manchu objection to second,

487-488 ; importance of lucky days for, 483 ; ceremonies of, 485-490

Mordvin kinship, 417-418

vows against, 417

resistance to, by Mordvin


restrictions on (Mordvin ), 451

Slav communal, 471

treaty ratified by breaking

pies by Mordvins, 429

Marry, refusal to, folk-tale of punish- ment (Chinese), 361 Marseilles, tin route through, 84 Martinmas, Derbyshire hiring time,

315 Masks, New Guinean religious, 192,

194 Massachusetts (Hollistou) Doppelt-

ganger belief in, 404 Massalia, tin route through, 85, 89 ;

trade of, 93 ; coins of, 98 Matriarchalisrn among early Slavs,

468-469, 473 , evidence in history of Irish,


May-day in Greece, 518-529 Mecklenburg, laming by injuring

footprints in, 157 Medicine (folk ). See " Mummy." Megaspelaeuin, flower festival at, 518 Melanesians, shadow-losing supersti- tion of, 152

Memphis, folk medicine in, 523 Men, killing of aged, 202-203, 205 Menstruation, Greek beliefs connected

with, 523 Merchandise, bride termed in Russian

folk-songs, 480 Merchant, bridegroom termed, in

Russian folk-songs, 480 Mercy, Goddess of (Chinese myth), 366 Meta Kurabi, Dorgai (Badu legend',
