Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/547

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Michaelmas, Northamptonshire hiring

time, 315 Middleman, employment in Chinese

marriage arrangements of, 481, 482,


Midwife legend at Tavistock, 207 Migration of Bia (Torres Straits tale),

174-175,190 Miscellanea, 130-136, 275-280, 409,


Moksha, bridal ceremonies of, 444 , clutching of tie-beam part

of marriage ceremony among, 427

, marriage arrangements of, 425

, marriage by capture among,

419-420 ; with capture, 453-455 , marriage by seniority among

sisters, 418

, marriageable age among, 418

, mutual inclination necessary

before marriage, 419

-, period of widowhood among,


, prevalence of marriage by abduction among, 421

sprinkling the bride, ceremony

of, 448

unimportance of virginity

among, 419

, wooing customs, 423

Mongols,marriage by purchase among,

453 , marriage customs similar to

Mordvin, 451

-, marriage restrictions of, 452,


Montenegro, custom of ' Otmitza' in, 476

Moon, New Guinean legend of, 185- 186, 195

Moors, removal of impressions on sand by, 159

Morality, English folk, 324-325

Morayshire folk-tales. See " Eashin Coatie," " Nicht Nought Nothing."

Moidvins, marriage customs among, 417-462

. , bridal processions of, 437,

438 ; bridegroom receives presents from, bride, 427; celibacy rare among, 417; depreciatory marriage- songs of, 429, 430 ; kinship mar- riages among, 417, 418 ; marriage arrangements of, 425 ; marriage by capture among, 419-420; marriage- able age of, 418; names, method of giving, 418 ; restrictions on mar- riage of, 451-452 ; sacred pies used to ratify marriage contracts. 429 ;

virginity considered unimportant by, 419 ; visits of future father- in-law before completion of mar- riage, 434 ; vows against marriage, 417; widowhood among, 451; woo- ing ceremonies of, 422, 455

Mound at Sessay, 130

Mound-bird of New Guinea, habits of, 77

Mount Batten, coins of Greek type found at, 100

Mourning dress in Torres Straits, 191

Moscow, payment of "kladka" at, 479

Mothering Sunday, observance of, 315

Mother-in-law, her feet washed by Chinese bride, 366

Moytura, battle of, 244, 245

Muckleston, tradition of Queen Mar- garet at, 319

Mud a sign of mourning in Torres Straits, 191

Mummers' Play, 320

Mummy, medical virtues of, 523

Muralug, skull of late husband car- ried by widow in, 192

folk-tales. See " Tabu : what

he did in Muralug," " Dorgai of Muralug."

Murray Island, ownership of land in, 81

Mutuk, story of (Badu legend), 56-60

Mythology, recent research on Teu- tonic, 118-126

NAOA, the master of ceremonies in Nagir (Nagir tale), 179-18.', 192

Nagir folk-tale. See *' Naga."

Nails not to be pared before child is a year old, 276

Nam Zogo (Murray Island folk -tale), 186-1H9, 195

Name, bridal, of Mordvins, 449

, Finn belief in addressing

spirit by, 21

, importance of not knowing,

272 ; custom of concealing name in Abyssinia, 273-274

, peasant objection to men- tioning, 323

-, What is in a (letter), 272-274

Names among Mordvins, method of

giving, 418

Narbo, tin route through, 85 Narbonne. See " Narbo." Nest, swallow's, sacrilege to steal, 279 Nestor, account of Slav marriages

given b} 7 . 463