Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/594

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woman," says he, and slaps her. Next night Maria puts on dress covered with gold embroidery and silver bells and goes to ball, dances with prince as before, tells him she comes from Slap-land; evades servants again. (8) Prince now falls ill of disappointment. Physicians can do nothing. Maria says if he will take some broth of her making he will be healed. He won't take it ; she persists. At last he is too weary to resist ; she brings broth, servants give it. Presently whole palace roused by prince shout- ing, " Bring hither Maria Wood." (9) They go to fetch her. She has put the ring he gave her in the broth, and he found it when he put the spoon in. " Wait a bit," she says to servant who fetches her. She puts on dress like noontide sky. Prince beside himself with joy when he saw her. Has betrothal celebrated that very day.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Broth, given with ring in it (8).

Henwife, Maria appointed (4).

Heroine, finds bespelled shoe fits her (2), makes king give her dresses and

wooden figure (3), leaves home and becomes henwife (4), goes to ball

(5, 6, 7), makes broth for prince (8), betrothed to him (9). King, bewildered, thinks he must marry her whom shoe fits (1), finds it fits

daughter (2), gives her presents as condition of her compliance (3). Ring, given by prince (5), put in broth (8). Shoe, under a spell (1, 2). Three blows given by prince (5, 6, 7). Three dresses given by king, first colour of noontide sky, second colour of

sea, third dark blue and jewels (3) Wooden figure made used as disguise (3, 4, ct seq.).

Where published. Folklore of Rome, by R. H. Busk, London, 1874. Tale No 10 {second version), pp. 84-90.

Nature Of Collection, whether:

1. Original or translation. Told in Italian, by Miss Busk.

2. If ~by word of mouth, state narrator's name.

3. Other %> articular s.

Special Points noted by the Editor of the aboveSee Author's notes,

p. 91.

Remarks by the Tabulator. See Tabulator's remarks to No. 11 (La Can- deliera} of this collection.