Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/595

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[No. 57.]

Title of Story. Maria Wood (third version').

Dramatis Personse. King- Princess (daughter). Servants. Dogs. King's son (of another country).

Abstract Of Story. (1) Princess refuses what king wishes. (2) He sends servants to take her to a high tower on the campagna and drop her down from top. They take her but have not the heart to throw her down ; put her in large case and leave it out in the open campagna far outside her father's dominions. (3) Princess in hox frightened by barking of dogs. King's son hunting, comes up, has dogs called off and box opened ; they see she is not a common maiden by her jewels. (4) She is taken to prince, who marries her.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Princess, refuses obedience to king (1), is shut up in box and left on cam- pagna (2), found by a king's son (3), married to him (4).

Where published. Folklore of Rome, by K. H. Busk. London, 1874. Tale No. 10 (third version), p. 90.

Nature Of Collection, whether : -

1 . Original or translation. Told in Italian to Miss Busk.

2. If by word of mouth, state narrator's name.

3. Other particulars.

Special Points noted by the Editor of the above. See Author's Notes,

p. 91. The box incident is given in a story told by Author in notes, p. 39, and in other stories referred to there.

Remarks by the Tabulator, Nil.