Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/498

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Exogamy, Australian tribes, 70 ;

Wyandot Indians, 192 Exposition Universclle (Paris) de

1900, Folklore Congress at, 126,

427-33 ^ ,

Eye Kettleby, albino snake found, 321

Faces, horrible, Iroquois spirits con- sisting of, 191

Fairies, Bedd Gelcrt, 424 ; black- smiths, Blairgowrie, 211 ; change- lings, how to get rid of, Hebrides, 443-4 ; dances, Hebrides, 442-3 ; delve fields in return for sheaves, island of Lewis, 441-2; Devon- shire pixies, 212-5; "Finlay People," euphemism for, island of Lewis, 442 ; gifts bring bad luck, 422 ; infect infants with diseases, Hebrides, 444 ; "reaping maiden " a protection against, Kilmartin, 441 ; W. Scotland, 422-3, 441-4; Wiltshire, no traditions of, 347

Fairy Dog's Tooth, A, by W. A. Craigie, 450-2

False Face society of Iroquois, 191

Familiar spirit, bumble-bee as, Louth (Lin.), 438

Faroe islands, seal-maiden story, 234 ; seals appear yearly in human form, 236

Fast days, Rumanian charm pro- nounced on, 131

Fawns, see Deer

Feathers and Rain, by M. Braitmaier,

437 Februaiy, cats go courtmg, Cairo,

380 Fee, not paid to charmer, but present

made, Devon, 217 ; handsel given

to charmer, S. Uist, 440 Ferry, Cairene folktale of, 373 Festerings, charms for, Devon, 217 Festivals, see Days and Seasons Fever, head of first cockchafer bitten

off to avert, Pomerania, 254 ; Rus- sian charm against, 154 Fidor, in Slavonic charm, 139 Fiji, Nanga rites in, 19 Finger, little, water of life can be

drawn from, 433-4 Fingernails, parings flung away by

Parsis, 99 ; poisonous, 99 Finger-rings, magic, for epilepsy,

Dorset, 112

Fingers of children, Cairene sayings fur, 383

Finland : {see also Karelia) ; cuckoo respected, 240 ; Malay charms re- semble Finnish, 307-8 ; Northern "wise women" Finnish, 298

Fire carried sunwise round cow &c. found dead, island of Lewis, 447

Fire-making among Tasmanians, 189

Fires, midsummer, animals burnt in, 257 ; jumping over protects from fleas, 221

Fires, spring, in India, 18

Fire worship, papers at Paris Con- gress of Folklore, A.D. 1900, 429

First foot, in Hull, 220 ; in Lanca- shire, 220

Fish in folklore : {see also Carp ; Eel ; Herring ; Oxyrrhinchus ; Porpoise ; Salmon ; Sardine ; and Stockfish) ; child-stealing spirit changes into, 144 ; sacred, buried, Nant Peris, 245 ; tabooed locally,

.243 Fisherman's Son, The, Greek folktale,


Fishing : afrit made to fish by blind schoolmaster, Helwan, 391 ; charms, Malay, 308, Point Barrow, 172, Torres Strait, 24 ; Cree belief of strange fish, 177 : flies, Japanese, 353 ; water demon appears to Sabbath-breaker, Wiltshire, 347 ; wren hunted to avert storms, Isle of Man, 20

Flanders, giants in pageants of, 105

Fleas, jumping over midsummer fires to avoid, 221

Flintshire, see Mold ; and Rhuddlan

Florence, crickets sold, Ascension Day, 258

Flowers iu folklore : immortelles given on betrothal, Suffolk, 205 ; pinks as life index in Greek folk- tale, 115

Fly, carried in procession, 258 ; form of child-stealing witch, Rumania, 133 ; form of guardian spirit, 237 ; magpie shot in March protects against, Oldenburg, 255; respected, Mecklenburg, 240 ; said to be eaten locally, 259

Folklore: bibliography of French folk- lore, plan for, by P. Sebillot, 430-3 ; German Bibliographies of, 464 ; growth in conception of, 55 ; Inter- national Congress at Paris, A.D.