Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/499

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1900, 126, 427-33 ; advance in method of recording, 57 ; study indicted by Sir A. C. Lyall, 89- 90

Folk-Lore Catalan : Legendcs du Roitssillon, by H. Chauvet, reviewed by E. S. Hartland, 314-5

Folklore from Calymnos, by W. R. Paton, 221

Folklore from the Hebrides, IV., by M. MacPhail, 439-50

Folklore in England iind Amerika, by C. Klopper, reviewed by A. Nutt. 312-3

Folk-Song Society, Journal of the, reviewed, 417-9

Folksongs at the Congress of Folk- lore, Paris, A.D. 1900, 428-9

Folktales : {^see also Folktales from the /Egean) ; Stapleton's All about the Merry Tales of Gotham re- viewed, 425-6 ; Brunet's Contes Popidaires de la Basse Norniandie reviewed, 426 ; Cairene, 353-95 ; discussed at Congress of Folk- lore, Paris, A.D. 1900, 428-9 ; R. Kohler's Kleinere Schriften reviewed, 104 ; Chauvet's Legendes du Roussillon reviewed, 314-5 ; Fison's Merry Suffolk, Master Archie, and other Tales reviewed, 204-6 ; Daenhardt's Naturges- chichtliche Volksindrchen aus nah ttndfern reviewed, 203-4 ; Crooke and Rouse's Talking Thrush and other Tales from India reviewed, 315-6; Tom Tit Tot, 205

Folktales from the /Egean, by W. R. Paton ; The Fisherman's Son, 1 13-5; The Eagle, 115-7; The Spanos and the Ogres, 11 7-9 ; The Bad Bishop, 333-4 : Kasidiako, 335-6 ; The Clever Princess, 336-9 ; The Laurel Girl, 339-40 ; The Gorgon, 340-4 : The Waterseller's Son, 452-4 ; The Negro Lover, 454-6

Fosite, god of Heligoland, 295

Fowl : {^see also Cock ; Hen) ; form of soul, 235

Fox, burnt, 257 ; carried in proces- sion, 258 ; human being as, 236 ; hunted ceremonially, Ireland and Dresden, 251

Fox and geese, game referred to in Grettis Saga, 413

Foxglove in medicine, Devon, 216-7

France : [see also Ardeche ; Brittany ; Camargue ; Languedoc ; Le Charrne ; Lille ; Normandy ; Rous- sillon ; and Savoy) ; bibliography of French folklore, plan for, by P. Sebillot, 430-3 : cat, cricket, and dog, respected locally, 239- 40 ; I)ruids compared with Teutonic priests, 268-72 ; first animal seen killed, 254 ; flies &c. said to be eaten locally, 259 ; month-names, 209 ; toad transfixed on dunghill, 255 ; wren respected, 242

Franks, tribal organisation of, 275

Freckles in boy, sign of good man, Cairo, 381

French folklore, see France

Frey, edible animals sacrificed to, 84_

Freyia, goddess, 299

Fricco or Fro, cult of, 292

Friday : {see also Good Friday) ; Rumanian charm pronounced on,

131 Frisian king casts lots, 287 Fro, ancestor of Swedish spekingar,

289 ; cult of, 292-5, 297 ; god and

priest-king, 283-5 Frog, as child-bringer, 235 ; caught

before St. George's Day, 255 ;

respected locally, 240 ; sacrificed,

Bohemia, 253 ; as substitute in

witchcraft, 238 Fruits in folktales: apples, 114;

nuts, 344 ; water-melon, 342 Fruit-trees, charm to protect, Borneo,

174 ; dolls hung in, to protect

fruit, Celebes, 24 Fuegian beliefs and customs, 171-2 Funeral customs and beliefs, see

Death and funeral customs and

beliefs Future state of dead indicated by

face, Wiltshire, 345 Fylgia, guardian spirit, 237-8 Fyn, Runic inscriptions at, 280

Gable ornaments, animals' heads as

[ill.], 322-3 Gadfly, slays Eabani, 378 Gale, J. S., Korean Beliefs, 325-332 Games : ball play in churchyard on

Sunday, Bedd Gelert, 424: Cairene,

383-5 ; cat's cradle, Papua, 184 ;

Icelandic, 413 ; the Moriska, Dal-