Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/509

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of the, by H. Balfour, reviewed,

97-8 Music, Iroquois, 191-3 ; Journal of

the Folk-Sovg Society reviewed,

417-9 ; Balfour's Natural History

of thr. Musical Bow, 97-8 ; N.

American tribes, 20S ; papers at

Paris Congress of Folk-lore, 428-9 ;

Wyandots, 193 Mussels, eaten ceremonially, 259 Mythology of the Bella Coola

Indians, by F. Boas, reviewed by

E. S. Hartland, 301-4 Mytilene, folktales from, 336-9,


Nahuas, censer-swinging rites, 24 ; tree-climbing rite, 19

Nail and egg placed below corn in sowing basket, Hebrides, 440

Nails, driven into place of murder or stain of blood, Cairo, 389 ; driven in track of witch, 216 ; for fixing up horseshoe against witches, 108 ; found in skulls, 106

Nails, finger, clippings buried with black cock to cure epilepsy, Hebrides, 446 ; parings flung away by Parsis. 99 ; poisonous, 99

Nair women, as related to Nambiitiris of Malabar, 399

Nambiitiris of Malabar, 399

Names, in magical formulas, 1 35-7, 150, 152; restricted to clan in Wyandots, 192-3

Nant Peris, sacred fishes buried, 245

Natural History, The, of the Musical Bow : a Chapter in the Develop- fuental History of Stringed Iiistru- menis of Music, by H. Balfour, re- viewed by W. Crooke, 97-8

Naturgeschichtliche Volksnidrchen aus nah und fern, by O. Daenhardt, reviewed by M. Peacock, 203-4

Nebuchadnezzar, in Hebrew charm, 156

Necausa, see Avezuha

Negro guards treasure in Karnak folktale, 387

Negro Lover, The, Greek folktale, 454-6

Negroid type of certain Indian images, 31-2

Nerthus, see Niord

Netherlands, giants in pageants, 105

Neue Beitrdge zur Kentniss des Volk-

rdthsels, by R. Petsch, reviewed, 312

Neumark, see Zielensig

Newport (Salop), cats' ears and tails cut to prevent trespassing, 457

New Year's Day, first foot in Lanca- shire and Hull, 220

New Year's Eve, wraiths of those about to die seen from church porch, Wiltshire, 345

New Zealand, see Maori

Ngai, deity of Masai, 169

Ngami, Lake, Babel myth from, 100

Nicozda, see Avezuha

Niederlausitz, cat respected, 239 ; killing swallow kills child, 237 ; spider respected, 241

Nightmare spirit, Egypt, 387

Nile : boatmen's songs, 3S5 ; water drunk to free from disease, 3S0

Nimrod in Cairene folktale, 378

Niord, cult of, 83, 283, 293, 297

Norfolk, see North Walsham

Normandy, bee respected, 239 ; Bru- net's Contes Populaires de la Basse Normandie reviewed, 426 ; sala mander butterfly killed, 256

North America : (^see also Alaska ; British Columbia ; Canada ; Cree Indians; Guatemala: Hopi Indians; Mexico; Nahuas; Ojibways ; Omaha Indians ; Pennsylvania ; Yucatan) ; Indian horror of blood, 180; Starr's American Indians reviewed, 206-7

North Cape, Lapps consult black cat, as ancestor, 244

Northcote, Lady R., Devonshire Folklore, 212-7

Northumberland, coloured butterflies killed, 256

North Walsham, owl sacrificed, 253

North- West Slav Lege7ids and Fairy Stories, by W. W. Strickland, re- viewed by M. G., 313-4

Norway : {^see also North Cape ; and Ssetersdal) ; animal forms of guard- ian spirits, 237-8 ; Fro worshipped, 292 ; ancient priesthood, 278-80 ; Sephton's Saga of King Sverri of Norway reviewed, 193-6 ; walrus form of human being, 236

Notebooks, suggested legacy to Folk- lore Society, 437

Nottinghamshire, see Gotham ; and Rushclifi-

Novadaria, see Avezuha