Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/104

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82 Collectanea.

the one called fails to catch the ball, she commences running round the circle while the remainder call out " Piggie Wiggie," and the original stotter tries to strike the runner with the b.all before she has run round the complete circle, inside. Struck or not struck she takes her old place in the circle, but each hit counts one till a number fixed is reached which puts the player out of the game. The most successful is the one who remains longest in.

Exercise Ball. Glasgow Ball.

It is played with an india-rubber ball, and consists in a certain number of feats, each more difficult than its predecessor.

1. The player stots the ball off the ground six times, catching it each time.

2. She throws the ball up, claps her hands once and then catches the ball, repeating throwing up the ball and increasing the number of claps between each throw till six are reached.

3. The same as No. 2, but the hands are clapped behind the back.

4. As 2, but she slaps her knees with her hands.

5. As 2, but she claps her sides each time.

6. As 2, but both hands are placed on the player's mouth.

7. As 2, but both hands are placed on the top of the player's head.

This completes the performance. If the ball fall to the ground the player commences where she left off when her turn comes again. First out wins the game.

Through the Mill.

Also a girls' game, but sometimes played by both sexes. Sides are chosen, and they toss for who is to have the ball. Each side is divided into two equal parts, those having won the toss standing in two parallel lines facing each other, those who have lost dis- posing themselves at the open sides so as to form a hollow square. The game consists in tossing the ball between the players of one of the " sides," the other " side " trying to intercept the ball in its flight and then keep it flying among themselves.