Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/14

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Minutes of Meetings


The President (Dr. W. H. D. Rouse) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of the following new Members was an- nounced, viz. : Mr. C. A. Henderson and the Ethno- graphical Survey of the Philippine Islands.

The withdrawal of the resignation of Mr. E. J. Kitts was also announced.

Mr. W. St. John Hope exhibited a conventional corn ornament which had been offered at the Harvest Thanks- giving Service in Little Hadham Church, Herts, in 1904. Mrs. Gomme alse exhibited some corn ornaments from Devon and Cornwall.

Miss L. M. Eyre read a paper on the " Folk-Lore of the Wye Valley."

Dr. Westermarck read a paper entitled "Midsummer Customs in Morocco," [p. 27], and a discussion followed in which Mr. Dames, Mr. Pusey, Dr. Gaster, Mr. Kirby, and Mr. Clodd took part.

The Meeting terminated with votes of thanks to Miss Eyre and Dr. Westermarck for their papers, and to Mr. St. John Hope and Mrs. Gomme for their exhibits.