Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/188

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158 The Cimaruta:

iii. M (F) Moon with flower. Rolfe Coll.

The moon amulet is not unfrequently united with the frog, PI. XIV. figs. 3. iv. Rolfe Coll.

4. i. K (H) Key ending in a hand.

ii. K (H (F)) Key ending in a hand holding a flower, iii. K (M + P + H) Key with moon, pentacle and hand.

Rolfe Coll. 8. i. C + Heart ending in a horn. A small iron charm.

Author's Coll.

Compound Amulets (Cimarute).

A sprig of rue forms the basis of the amulet.

I. With a hand, but without moon and key together, i. Simple forms.

10. R (bbb . H . b). Author's Coll.

11. R ( I bb . H H b). Author's Coll.

12. R(bb .H.b). Author's Coll.

13. R (bb 1 . H . bb). Elw., Fig. 81, Author's Coll.

T? /K I \A \<w\ ( These two amulets are similar, but the

14. R(b I . xi . bb). I lue j^ 15 has been treated conventionally

1 5. Cross (M H). i and has been transformed into a cross and

la crescent.

ii. With the cock substituted for one of the rue-buds.

16. R (b . Cock's head .H.b). Rolfe Coll.

17. R (b . Cock's comb . H (F) . b). Rolfe Coll.

In this specimen the lateral buds are markedly tripartite, like the trisula in shape.

iii. With the moon.

18. R(b I .HMb.bHb). Rolfe Coll. iv. With the Key.

19. R (1 F 1 b 1 c 1 1 1 F . H (t) . 1 1 1 c K 1 F 1). Rolfe and

Author's Colls. Design light, elegant and symmetrical, with numerous filiform leaves (1) which simulate small horns. The hand with the horn, the sole emblem on the middle branch, is situated almost exactly in the centre of an equilateral triangle, the angles of which are formed by the three 4-6-petaned flowers. Two heart-shaped leaves (CC) are borne laterally.