Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/497

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Collectanea. 439

most of them having at least one lover. When a child is born, the woman does not declare who its father is until her husband is dead. Many women live openly with their lovers ; the great majority of cases in court are for return of a wife, and many women prefer to go to prison than to return to their legal husbands.

Often on the roads one passes a small tree planted by the side of the road near which are chalk marks and a mound of earth, cowries, yams and plantains. This tree has been planted in memory of the fact that some woman or other has brought forth a child on that spot.

R. E. Dennett.

Additions to the Games of Argyleshire. {Continued from supra, page 34g.)

MINNEACHAN. (P. 165, after line 15.)

In Barra the above is called " Biorrachan beag agus Biorrachan mor." It begins with the statement. " Chaidh Biorrachan beag agus Biorrachan mor latha a bhuain cnothan. Mar a bhuinneadh Biorrachan mor dh'itheadh Biorrachan beag.

" Chaidh Biorrachan mor gus a' choille a dh'iarruidh slait gus gabhail air Biorrachan beag a dh'ith na cnothan. Nuair a ruig e 'n coille, etc." (Little Biorrachan and big Biorrachan went one day to gather nuts. As big Biorrachan gathered, little Biorrachan ate. Big Biorrachan went to the wood to seek a switch to thrash little Biorrachan who ate the nuts. When he reached the wood, etc.) With the change of names the narrative was the same as tliat given from p. 158, line 18, to p. 161, line 16, where the "yellow-haired woman" becomes "the woman baking," "a bhean fuinneadh." Biorrachan asks for a bannock; "Cha'n fhaigh thu