spirits or manes, Romans, 293-9 ; dead apologised to, Bushmen, 354 ; not reincarnated, Aranda tribe, 430; souls of cause births, Bavili, 375 ; worship, Bantu, 231-3, 356, not primitive, Australia, 104
Andjra: (^£'^ fl/5^ 1-Ksar-s-sger) ; mid- summer customs, 28, 31, 34, 36; New Year customs, 38, 40 ; plough- ing custom, 38 ; rain on April 27 is magic, 32-3 ; tribes, 28
Angambi, Fan creator, 224
Anglo-Saxon medicine, 362-5
Angola, see Benguela
Anguillara : Roman inscription, 270
Animals in folklore : {seealso Antelope ; Bat ; Birds in folklore ; Buffalo ; Camel ; Cat ; Cattle ; Coyote; Crocodile ; Crustacea in folklore ; Cuscus ; Dog ; Donkey ; Dragon ; Duiker ; Echini in folklore ; Ele- phant; Fish in folklore ; Fossils in folklore ; Gazelle ; Goat ; Hare; Hippopotamus ; Horse ; Hyena ; Insects in folklore ; Lemur ; Leo- pard ; Lion ; Lizard ; Monkey ; Mouse ; Mule ; Otter ; Pig ; Bor- cupine; Rat; Reptiles in folklore Scorpion ; Sea-cow ; Sea-dragon Sea-horse ; Seal ; Sheep ; Sloth Snake ; Water-buck ; Weasel ; Whale a;?f/Worm) ; bathed at midsummer, Morocco, 32 ; cave dwellers named from paintings of animals, Bushmen, 354 ; cures for, see Medical folk- lore ; earth thrown over, Mid- summer, Morocco, 34 ; given Chris- tian name before charming, St. Briavel's, 168 ; language under- stood by infants, Jamaica, 68 ; New Year fire custom for, Morocco, 41, and water custom for, Morocco, 41 ; poisonous, blinded by rain of April 27, Morocco, 33 ; sacrifice of, see Sacrifice ; sibokos, S. Africa, 356-7 ; South Germany, 481 ; ta- boos, see Taboos ; as totems, see Totemism ; as votive offerings, S. Germany, 482 ; worship of, Madagascar, 230
Annan River tribe (Aus.) : organisa- tion, 474
Anna Perenna, festival of, Romans, 264
Annie Sociologique, L\ by E. Durk- heim, reviewed, 468-75
Annual meeting, 3-5 ; Report of Council, 6-13
Ansara, legend of, Morocco, 43-4 Ant : duppy as, Jamaica, 70 Antananarivo, 228 Antelope : head and horns in sacred
grove, Loango, 401, 404 ; horns as
symbol, Loango, 404 ; in proverb,
Loango, 401, 404 ; sacred, Loango,
397-8 Anthesteria : ship of Dionysus, 259 Anthropological Queries for Central
Africa reviewed, 494-5 Antiochus, King, see King Antiochus Antonine Column, see Rome Antonine emperors : perpetual fire
carried before them, 317 Antrim : churn or corn baby, 129-30,
185-6 ; flint arrowheads as charms,
241 ; holed stones as charms, 241 Anula tribe (Aus. ) : marriage customs,
472 ; organisation, 469 Aphrodite : in folktale, Eleusis, 24 Apollo : Augustus Caesar as, 310-I r
Vediovis identified with, 311 Apple : in game, Hebrides, 20I Applecross : game of chucks, 1 93-6 ;
lullaby, 457-8 ; rhyme, 454 Apple-tree : in game, Hebrides, 201 April : {see also May Eve) ; 2ist,
Parilia, Rome, 316; 27th (O.S.),
rain-water magical on, Morocco,
32-3. Aquileia : cults of Jupiter Dianus and
Diana, 288 Aquitania : Fagus, a deity, 283 'Arab tribes, Morocco : 27-9 ; charm to preserve money, 41-2 ; mid- summer customs, 32, 42 ; New Year fires, 41 Aranda tribe, beliefs of, 429-30 Arawaks, as culture carriers, 486 Arcadia : Ovid on early Arcadians,
264 Archangel Gabriel, in Roumanian
legend, 419-21 Archery : {see also Arrows) ; Glen- garry, 93 ; Isle of Man, 93 Archiv fiir jReligions^vissenschaft, 15 Ardrishaig : games, 93-4, 220, 346 Ares : {see also Mars) ; development of
Zeus, 320 Argei ritual, Rome, 326 Argolis, see Epidauros Argus, Argive Zeus, 275 Argyllshire : {see also Ardrishaig ; Cowal ; Dunoon ; Glencoe ; Kin- tyre ; Ledaig district ; Lome ; and Luing island) ; Additions to "The