Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/557

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Games of Argyllshire," by R. C.

Maclagan, 77-97, 192-221, 340-9,

439-60; bull- roarer, 440 Aricia : {see also Nemi, wood of) ;

Manii, 292 Arinyk, bad god, Huculs, 5 1 Arria gens : coins, 322 Arrows : flint arrowheads as charms,

Antrim, 241, 335; in May Songs,

Cornwall, 58-9 Artemis : {see a/j^ Diana) ; cult, Sparta,

290 ; flowers dedicated to, 145 Artemisia or mugwort : as cure and

charm, Anglo-Saxons, 364 ; opens

locks, 143 ; repels serpents, 138 Arthurian legends, see King Arthur. Arthur's Stone (Gower) : magical rites,

339 Arunta tribe : Arunta Totemism and Marriage Law, by A. Lang, 242 ; original organization of discussed, 468-75; The Religious Ideas of the Arunta, by N. W. Thomas, 242, 428-33 ; supernatural beings, 106, 222-3 Asaba : secret society, 437-8 Ascanius, King, see King Ascanius Ashes of midsummer fires : as cure for eyes, Morocco, 29 ; as paint for eyes &c., Morocco &c., 29 Ashmedai and Solomon, legend of,

4I5> 417-9 Ash-tree : in charm against rupture,

Monmouthshire, 65 ; world-tree,

Scandinavia, 153 Asia, see Asia Minor ; Assyria ; Baby- lon ; China ; East Indies ; Japan ;

Khorasan ; Korea ; Malay States ;

Palestine ; Persia ; and Siam, Asia Minor : {see also Ephesus ; Lycia ;

Mysia ; a7id Troy) ; medallion of

Roman province, 314 Asmodeus, see Ashmedai Asp, see Snake Ass, see Donkey Assyria : amulet, 152 {plate) ; cosmic

tree, I53 . Astrantia major : in charm, Val de

Morgins, 466-7 ; legend of, Val de

Morgins, 466 ; master wort, 467 Astronomical folklore : {see also

Comets ; Moon ; Stars ; and Sun) ;

as related to phallicism, 477-8 Astypalaea, see Astypolaia Astypolaia : folklore, collection of,

25 ; folktales, 22-3 Athens : folktales, 22-3

Atira, deity. Pawnees, 117

Atlas mountains : {see also Demnat) ; Berber tribes, 27-8 ; midsummer beliefs and customs, 30, 32, 34, 37

Atnatu, spirit, Kaitish tribe, 106, iii, 222-3, 428

Attica : {see also Athens) : survivals of ancient language not limited to, 20

Auditors, election of, 4

August : {see also St. James's Day) ; Ides the birthday of Diana, Rome, 332; 13th and 15th, festival of " La Vara," Messina, 248-9, 257

Augustus Caesar: as Apollo, 310, Jupiter or Zeus, 31 1-2, or sun-god, 317 ; avoided business on Nones, 332

Auk, Little : halcyon of Greeks, Westman Isles, 489

Australia: {seealso'S>2,'s,% Strait ; Queens- land ; South Australia ; Tasmania ; a«(/Torres Straits); aborigines, origin of, lOl ; Spencer and Gillen's Native Tribes of Cetitral Australia, 15 ; Howitt's Native Tribes of South- East Australia, 15, reviewed, 101-9

Austro - Hungary, see Bohemia ; Bukowina ; Carinthia ; Carpathian mountains ; Dacians ; Fiume ; Galicia ; Hungary ; Istria ; Poku- tia; Tatra mountains ; rt«a? Vienna

Aventine hill, see Rome

Axe : as symbol of Jupiter, Rome, 302

Azemmur : midsummer bonfire smoke good for eyes, 29

Azila : saint's feast at, 32

Babies, see Children

Babylon : progresses of gods, 258

Baetyls, see Stones

Bagama volcano, as abode of dead,

Shortland islands, 1 15 Baiame, Australian deity, 105-6, IIO,

112, 222-3 Bailey, MissD., The Devil in Glencoe,

ani other Stories, i, 61-2 Bakuena : siboko, 357 Bakuni hunters, Mayomba, 399 Bakutu tribe, customs of, 406 Balance Sheet of Folk-Lore Society,

Balbi mountain, as abode of dead, 115 Baletsatsi : sun charm, 356 Ballads, see Folk-songs Ball games, see Games