Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 2, 1891.djvu/22

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Annual Address to the Folk-Lore Society.

(1) The story radicals or essential plot;

(2) The story accidentals or illustrative points;

(3) Modern gloss upon the events in the story—

we get the following results with regard to seven out of the twelve:—

1.—Frog Prince.

Story radicals.

Story accidentals.

Added features.

Modern gloss.

1. Savage elements . .

Youngest daughter.

Fountain or well the locality of leading incident

Frog-prince = totem.

Frog-prince stays at the house of his future wife.

Exogamous marriage, the prince coming from a foreign country.

2. Fantastic element

Faithful servant whose heart is hound by iron bands.

3. Rank and splendour

Kingly state and its trappings—the princess wears a crown on ordinary occasions, and yet opens the door to a visitor while at dinner.

III.—Our Lady's Child.

Story radicals.

Storj' accidentals.

Added features.


1. Savage elements . .

Naked forest woman captured for wife.

Suspicion that she is a cannibal

3. Rank and splendour

Virgin Mary and heaven the central features of the heroine's adventures.

4. Moral characteristics..

Punishment for curiosity.