Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 2, 1891.djvu/23

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Annual Address to the Folk-Lore Society.

iv.—The Youth who wants to learn to shudder.

Story radicals.

Story accidentals.

Added features.

Modern gloss.

I. Savage elements . .

Winning of wife by service.

Succession to kingship through wife—female kinship.

Treasure guarded by spirits.

2. Fantastic element

The adventures in the haunted castle.

3. Rank and splendour

Kingly state.

4. Moral characteristics . .


v.—The Wolf and Seven Little Kids.

I. Savage elements . .

Story radicals.

Talking animals.

Cutting open of the animal to free the swallowed kids, and re-filling the stomach with stones.

Story accidentals.

Criticism upon men as compared with animals, "truly men are like that."

Added features.

Modern gloss.

vi.—Faithful John.

Story radicals.

Story accidentals

Added features.

Modern gloss.

I. Savage elements . .

Capture of bride.

Talking of animals.

Three taboos—horse garment sucking of breasts

Sacrifice of children and sprinkling their blood on a stone.

Human origin of stone pillar.

3. Rank and splendour

Kingly state and great wealth in gold and riches.

4. Moral characteristics..

Punishment for curiosity.