Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/21

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Minutes of Meetings. 7

By Mr. E. Lovett : — Holed stones and Neolithic flint arrowheads and celt, used as amulets in Antrim ; belemnite " thunderbolt " from Surrey ; peasants' love tokens of the early fifties ; fossil teeth " cramp stones," Whitstable ; rudely shaped " hands " of amber, Lowestoft ; mole feet and ash-tree concretions carried as cures for cramp, Sussex; hag-stone and sheep-bone amulet, Whitby ; badger's snout carried as protection against mad dogs, Minehead ; potatoes and bone ring carried against rheuma- tism, Brandon (Suffolk) ; and various amulets for luck from costers' barrows in North London.