Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/594

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by C. H. Bompas, reviewed, 124-6

Folklore Survey of County Clare, A, by T. J. Westropp, 180-98 i^laie), 338-49 (/)Za«e), 476-87

Folk-medicine in the Panjab, by H. A. Rose, 83-6, 313-34

Folk museums, 527

Folk-music : Africa, 258-9 ; Aus- tralia, 86-8 ; England, 35-6

Folk pictui-es and drawings, Flan- ders, 527-9 ; Melanesia, 535

Folk-sayings, see Proverbs

Folk-songs : Africa, 258-9 ; Aus- tralia, 86-8 ; Denmark, 379, 410 ; England, 36, 38, 106 ; Faroe islands, 410 ; Germany, 410 ; Ma- lays, 373 ; Palestine, 280-1, 288 ; Scotland, 264, 379

Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, by E. Dayrell, reviewed, 258- 60

Folk-tales : (see also under various types, such as Cinderella) ; Af- rica, 158, 199-215, 253-60, 351- 65, 487-503 ; Amerindians, 126-7 > Armenia, 217-22, 365-71, 507-11 ; in broadsides etc., Flanders, 528 ; Germany, 157-8 ; Greece, 139, 141-2, 531 ; India, 124-5, 158, 263; Ireland, no, 182-4, 341-2 ; Isle of Man, 472-5 ; Italy, 250, 349-50 ; Jamaica, 260 ; Mexico, 538; New Zealand, 128; sagas and marchen, 139 ; Samo- yeds, 142; Scotland, 90-1, 157; story formulae, Armenia, 370, Hausas, 202-3 ; " sung parts," 199-200 ; Wales, 237-46

Fool : in horn dance. Abbot's Bromley, 26

Foot, see Heel ; Toes

Footprints : of animals in folk-tale, Armenia, 366 ; dust from as charm, Italy, 163 ; in magic, 166

Force of Initiative in Magical Con- flict, The, by W. R. Halliday, 147-67

Ford (Argyll) : in folk-tale, 90

Fords : charms at, Deeside, 88-9 ; rites at, 159-60; Washers of the Ford, 180

Forests, see Trees

Fork : omens from, England, 226

Formoyle : folk-tale, 184

Fortanne : death coach, 193-4 > fairy beliefs, 195-6; haunted, 345

Fortune or Luck in folk-tale, Ar- menia, 220-2

Fossils in folklore, see Belemnite ; Shark

Fotevik, battle of, 73

Four : in Melanesian rites, 48-9

Fowls : (see also Cock ; Hen) ; birth genna for, Assam, 308 ; fetish, Congo, 457-8 ; flesh tabued, As- sam, 309 ; in folk-tales, Africa, 210-1 ; white, lucky, Crathie, 89

Fox : in folk-tale, Togo, 258

Foxglove : fairies' thimble, Clare,

France : (see also Aquitaine ; Auvergne ; Corsica ; Seine-In- f^rieure ; Somme) ; proverbs, 18

Francolin : in folk-tale, Hausas, 210, 351

Freemasonry, 525

Freire-Marreco, B. : Crosses Cut in Turf after Fatal Accidents, 387- 8 ; Scraps of English Folklore, 224 ; The West Riding Teachers' Anthropological Society, 103-4

French-Sheldon, Mrs. M. : paper and exhibits by, 1-2, 9

Freya, 71

Friday : (see also Good Friday) ; in cult of Decollati, Sicily, 172 ; day of assembly, Arabs, 279 ; Stealing Night, Castleton, 38

Fr6, the deity, 70, 73

Frog : in folk-tale, Clare, 480

Fruit and vegetables in folklore : (see also Apple ; Blackberry, Grape ; Mulberry ; Palm nut ; Plantain ; Pomegranate ; Potato ; Pumpkin) ; as offering, Crete,

137 Fumigation : cures madness, Me- lanesia, 160 ; expels demons,

India, 505 Funeral customs and beliefs, see

Death and funeral customs and

beliefs Funerals, phantom : Wales, 118-9 Future life, beliefs about, see

Death and funeral customs and

beliefs Future Work of the Folk-Lore

Society, by Eleanor Hull and A.

Nutt, 101-2, and P. J. Heather,


Gabhra, battle of, 398 Gall canton, see St Gall