Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/595

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Galway : (see also Aran isles) ; Brendan legends, 484 ; sea- horses, 482

Games : lacrosse, Iroquois, 127 ; mediaeval, England, 248 ; pla3'ing the wer-beast, Malays, 371-4 ; traditional, study of, 15-6; Togo, 258-9 ; tug of war, Assam, 300 ; wedding, Bedu, 279

Garland Day, Castleton, 20-5, 33, 37, ^02 _

Garnets : in talisman, India, 268

Garos : dialect, 296 ; The Garos, by A. Playfair, reviewed, 261-3 > heaven, 300

Garter : of eelskin, Yorks, 227

Gaster, M. : English Charms of the Seventeenth Century, 375-8

Gaul : axe symbols, 67 (plate) ; sun and thunder gods, 67 (plate)

Gaur plant : cures snakebite, Sir- mur, 504

Gawain, in Arthur sagas, 233, 244

Gazelle : in folk-tales, Hausas, 210, 362, 487-9

Gennas, see Festivals

Geraint, saga of, 242-3

Germanische Tempel, Die, by A. Thiimmel, noticed, 128

Germany : (see also Luxemburg ; Thuringia) ; folk-tale, 157-8 ; spitting cure, 388

Gharib Nawaz, Raja, Manipur, 81-2

Ghent : exhibit from, 131

Ghosts : cause lunacy, Melanesia, 160 ; County Clare, 343-9, 480-2 ; death coach, Ireland, 190, 192-4 ; laying, Bucks, 222 ; offerings to, Crete, 137, Greece, 138 ; in place- names, Clare, 182, 184-5 ! un- natural death makes vindictive, 178 ; Wales, 119-20

Gilgit : saint's shrine, 176

Gipsies : Palestine, 275-6, 285

Girls : eldest daughter not named, Hausas. 202 ; house for, Assam, 299 ; tabus on, Assam, 301

Glamorgan : (see also Caerphilly ; Marcross ; St Donat's) ; Midsum- mer custom, 118

Glands, enlarged : cures for, India, 316, 321

Glasgeivnagh Hill : meaning, 184

Glenmeay : folk-tale, 472-5

Glennagalliach : meaning, 185-6

Glennagross : place-name, 185

Glenomera : spectre dog, 483

Glen Rushen : fairies, 475

Goat : (see also Phooka ; Wer- beasts) ; fetish, Congo, 457 ; flesh tabued, Assam, 309 ; in folk- tales, Africa, 200-1, 213-4, 260, 357. 360, 363-5, 493-4; goat- headed figures, Crete, 132 ; head keeps off white ants, Congo, 457 ; sacrificed, Assam, 309, Crete, 135, Palestine, 293 ; tabued, As- sam, 306

Goatsucker : omen from, Panjab, 216

Godhri : folk-medicine, 333

Gods, 5ee Deity, conceptions of ; and under various names

Goibniu, deity, 438

Gold : coin at firstfooting. Lanes, 224

GoU of the Fianna, 396-7

Gomme, G. I. L. : Scraps of Eng- Hsh Folklore, 222

Gomme, G. L. : Heredity and Tra- dition, 385-6

Gongs : collected, Garos, 261

Good Friday : squirrel hunt, Somer- set, 31 ; well custom, Castleton, 38

Good Men have no Stomachs, by A. R. Wright, 105-6

Goose : turned to stone, Scotland,


Gorgon, blood of, 151

Gortnamearacaun : meaning, 185

Grail romances, 107-17, 243-4, 246, 514

Graney : meaning as place-name, 186

Grape : withered by evil eye, Al- bania, 251

Great Bookham : birch-broom cus- tom, 38S

Greek folklore : (see also Achilles ; Attica ; Eleusinia ; Elis ; Epirus ; Greek islands ; Iphigenia ; La- conia ; Minotaur ; Mycenaj ; Pho- cis ; Polyxena ; Sparta ; and under names of deities) ; answer- ing questions dangerous, 158 axes as symbols, 60, 65 (plate) coins, 65 (plate) ; dances, 515 Lawson's Modern Greek Folk- lore and Ancient Greek Religion reviewed, 529-32 ; oak, 67 ; sun- god, 65-7 ; thunderbolts, 60 ; thunder god, 66