Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/252

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2 1 8 Collectanea.

44. Hjelp er altid god so naer som i grautarfatet. Help is always good, except in the porridge-dish.

45. Mange hogg fella store trser. Many blows fell great trees.

46. Naar horni er av er det for seint a stanga. When the horns are off, it is too late to butt.

47. Hugen dreg halve lasset. Mood draws half the load.

48. Naar hugen er god er foten lett.

When the spirits are good, the step is light.

49. Det kann ingen sin lagnad fly. No one can escape his fate.

50. Eitt lamb er liten buskap. One lamb makes a small flock.

51. Ein leikar so lenge med katten, at ein fser kjenne klorne. One plays with the cat until one feels the claws.

52. Det er lite liv i den som doyr av store ord. There is little life in him who dies of big words.

53. Ein fser inkje skera Ijoset so hardt at det sloknar. One must not trim the light so closely that it goes out.

54. Den som skal Ijuga lyt hava godt minne.

He who would lie must have a good memory.

55. Ein faer log fylgja eller land fly.

One must follow the laws or flee the land.

E, E. Speight.

Fifty Hausa Folk-Tales ^ {continued). 37. The Origin of the Crow. (A.)

A certain King was always saying to his son (that he) was not his own son. As for the son he was like him. He (King) said, —

^ Ante, p. 70, L \0, for draughts read durra (a well-known game).
