Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/21

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Annual Report of the Council.

that in future the exhibits may once more be arranged as systematically as they were under the able direction of Mr. A. A. Gomme.

The Council have made arrangements with the authorities of University College for holding the meetings of the Society in the room of the Women's Union on the ground floor of the College buildings, the refreshments after the meetings being served in the Council room on the same floor. The rooms are spacious, well warmed, and well lighted, and the Council are confident that the new arrangements will contribute materially to the comfort and convenience of members.

Mr. R. W. Chambers, the Society's Hon. Librarian, has completed a card catalogue of the books and pamphlets in the possession of the Society, and reports that the library is in a very fragmentary and incomplete state, and that some expenditure on binding will be necessary in the coming year. Mrs. Lang has very kindly presented to the Society a number of books and pamphlets on folklore and kindred subjects which belonged to her late husband, and the Council invite similar gifts as additions to the Society's collection. It is intended later on to print a catalogue of the library for the use of members.

Dr. Gaster and Mr. Longworth Dames again attended the meeting of the Congress of Archæological Societies in July as delegates of the Society; and Miss Burne, Mr. Hartland, Sir E. Brabrook, and the President represented the Society at the British Association Meeting at Dundee in September.

The twenty-third volume of Folk-Lore has been issued during the year. The Council have again to thank Mr. Wright for editing the volume and compiling the index, and they are glad to be able to announce that he has consented to place his valuable services at the disposal of the Society during the current year. The Council feel that some apology is due to members for the non-appearance of the Bibliography of Folklore dealing with the year 1908,