Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/22

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Annual Report of the Council.

which they hoped would have been ready a year ago ; they regret that unforeseen difficulties have prevented its completion, but have reason to anticipate that it may be issued shortly.

Notwithstanding the announcement made in the last Annual Report as to the extra volumes intended to be issued by the Society, the Council decided to issue Mrs. Gutch's collection of the East Riding of Yorkshire from printed sources as the extra volume for 1911 instead of for 1912, and the new edition of the Handbook of Folklore as the extra volume for 1912 instead of for 1911. Mrs. Gutch's collection is now in the hands of members, and the Handbook is in a forward state of preparation, and should be ready by the summer. The thanks of. the Society are due to Miss Burne for the enormous amount of time and labour she has bestowed upon the Handbook and the Council are confident that it will be recognised as a work of outstanding merit and permanent value. The extra volume for 1913 will be Mr. Simpkins' collections of the Folklore of Fifeshire, and of Clackmannan and Kinross, from printed sources.

The Brand Committee, acting under the instructions of the Council, have drawn up a report of their two years' work in the compilation of a new edition of the Calendar volume of the Popular Antiquities.

The Council regret that but little has resulted from their scheme for the affiliation of Anthropological Societies connected with the Universities, and for the admission of members of such societies to certain of the privileges of the Society in consideration of the payment of a nominal subscription. But the scheme is still on foot, and they hope that in the near future many University students may be enrolled as associate members of the Society.

The sum received as members' subscriptions in 1912 was £446 7s. 0d., which included a life subscription of £4 6s. 0d. from one of the original members of the Society with whom the Council made a special arrangement allowing