Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/572

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Six : at Holi, India, 65

Siyu : miracle, 474-5

Skamander river : marriage cus- tom, 397

Skin : double-skinned people, As- sam, 484-5

Skin diseases : prayer against, In- dia, 170

Sky : not aimed at, Wliite Ruth- enians, 95 ; in tales, Assam, 485- 6; worsliipped, Siberia, 47, 51,

54 Skye : " the keener," 84 Sleeve : wrong, not changed, Kent,


Sligo : foundation sacrifice, 378

Slipper, see Shoe

Smoke : in charms. White Ruth- enians, 95-6 ; divination by, In- dia etc., 76-7, 82

Snake : {see also Water snake) ; goddess of, India, 154 ; respec- ted, Siberia, 48 ; sacred, WTiite Ruthenians, 94 ; in tales, India, 393, 490-1, 495-6

Sneezing : blessing after, Mayo, 341 ; omen of rain, Jersey, 246

Snow-white type of folk-tales, 271

Sociology : pyschology as applied to, 14-21

Solomon and Marcolphus type of folk-tales, 272

Solons, 45

Somerset, see Taunton

Soot : in folk-medicine, Jersey, 249

Soul : of butter, in tale, India, 394 ; as butterfly, Armagh etc., 203-4 ; enters mother's temples before birth, Siberia, 50 ; as fly, Transylvania, 204 ; leaves in sleep, Siberia, 51 ; as moth, Cornwall, 203 ; of part of ani- mal and object, Siberia, 49 ; survives death, Assam, 477 ; tormented in glaciers, Swiss, 273 ; triple, Siberia, 50 ; wicked, as night dog, Piedmont, 279

Soul-cage myth (Ireland), 378

Souling, elementing, and Cattem- ing, by C. S. Burne, 285-99 {map)

South : in divination, India, 77 ; home of dead, India, 60 ; un- lucky, India, 60

South Arcot : hook-swinging, 163, 165, 169

South Sea Islanders : Innate Ideas of, by E. im Thurn, i

Sow, see Pig

Sowing customs and beliefs : Pied- mont, 278 ; White Ruthenians,


Sow thistle : in folk-medicine, Jer- sey, 250

Spain : charm for human milk, 385 ; Notes on Spanish Amu- lets (3rd Ser.), 206-12 {pi.)

Sparrow ; name of dance. White Ruthenians, 98

Spectres, see Ghosts ; Zombi

Spider : in charm, Cambs, 365 ; unlucky to kill, Suffolk, 366

Spinning : wicked on Sunday, Swiss, 273-4

Spinning wheel : in charm, Aber- deensh., 344

Spitting : averts ill luck, Jersey, 247, N.E. Scot.,- 349, White Ruthenians, 95-6 ; on iron, Cambs, 365 ; on stone, N. Wales, 372 ; in zdy, Azande, 320

Sport and Folklore in the Hima- laya, by H. L. Haughton, re- viewed, 393-4

Spring : {see also Holi) ; festival, Oraons, 80 ; " wedding of the wheat," Morocco, 503

Staffordshire : {see also Newcastle- u.-Lyme ; Walsall) ; field names, 391 ; November customs, 285- 99 {map)

Stairs : stumbling on as omen, Suffolk, 366

Stars : not aimed at. White Ru- thenians, 95

Stealing : at Holi, India, 62 ; for Holi fire, India, 57 ; gives vir- tue to articles, 258-9

Stilt-walking : as rite, India, 82

Stirlingshire, see Dunmore ; Gigha

Stockings: omen from, Jersey, 246

Stone and gravel (disease) : cures for, Jersey, 249-50

Stones and rocks : {see also Dol- mens ; Menliirs) ; to comme- morate feasts, , Assam, 477 ; marked by the Devil, Salop, 372, " the keener," Islay, 85 ; memorial, India, 408 ; sacred black, India, 157-8, 187 ; Siva appears in stone, India, 189

Stonehaven : in rhyme, Aberdeen- shire, 357