Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/573

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Stoning, ceremonial : at marriage, Morocco, 502

Strachan : shape-shifting, 345

Strathdon : charm, 347 ; drown- ing belief, 348 ; saying, 351 ; song, 362-3

Stray Notes on the Folklore of Aberdeenshire and the North- east of Scotland, bv D. Rorie, 342-52

Stringed instruments : Azande,

3i(J Strongest Thing in the World type

of folk-tales, 494-5 Stumbling upstairs : omen from,

Suffolk, 366 Stye in eye : charm against,

Cambs, 365 Subscribers, 5, 281, 409 Sudan : [see also Dinkas ; Shil-

luks) ; kojur, 301 ; zdr, 300, 305-

308 Suffolk : omen, 366 ; to kill spider

unlucky, 366; toothache charm,


Sugar : in folk-medicine, Jersey, 249-50 ; ritual use, India, 196

Sugar-cane : in Holi fire, India, 61

Sulphur : as amulet, Kent, 367

Sun : not aimed at. White Ruth- enians, 95 ; human sacrifice to, India, 186 ; male, Assam, 485 ; in m>i;h, Baganda, 438, Mexico, 481 ; omen from halo, Jersey, 246 ; in tale, Assam, 485 ; wor- shipped, Siberia, 51, 54

Sunbeam : coat hung on, Mayo,


Sun dance, Amerindians, 148

Sunday : {see also Easter Sunday ; Low Sunday ; May Sunday ; Mid Lent Sunday) ; ist after Easter, fire custom, H. Savoie, 363 ; shaving on, in charm, Aberdeensh., 347 ; spinning wicked on, Swiss, 273-4 » wea- ther omens, N.E. Scot., 352 ; well custom, Som., 373

Suns, mock : omen from, N.E. Scot., 352

Surrey, see London

Survival in sociology discussed, 14-23, 32-3

Sussex : St. Clement's dole, 293- 4 ; Sussex Folklore, by M. A. Hardy, 368-9 ; tale, 391

Sutherland : " vow," 89-90 ;

" washer woman," 88 Sutton (War.) : elementing, 293 Swahili : admixture in, 462-3 ;

origin of, 461-2 ; tales, 460-1,


Swaledale : Christmas Eve, 376 ; St. Mark's Eve, 376

Swallow : lucky, Scot., 349 ; un- lucky to shoot. Piedmont, 278

Swan : respected, Siberia, 48

Swan-maiden type of folk-tales,

143 Sweeping : unlucky, Quebec, 252 Swinging as a magical rite, 175 Switzerland : (see also Oberwallis);

betrothal and marriage customs,

402-4 Sword : in hook-swinging, India,

159, 168-9, 185 Sword dances : Yorks, 376 Swyncombe Down : " cuckoo

pen," 390

T : in charm, Kent, 367 ; in divi- nation, Jersey, 248

Table : boots on unlucky, Cambs, 364, N.E. Scot., 349 ; omen from fall from, Cambs, 364 ; sitting on shows desire to marry, Cambs, 364

Tabus : birth, Modocs, 142 ; on food, Assam, 487, Pemba, 395 ; before hook-swinging, India, 153, 167 ; hunting, Nigeria, 405 ; on king, Nigeria, 405 ; of mother-in-law, 406 ; removed by castor-oil plant, India, .60 ; in tale, India, 394 ; of wife's relations, Morocco, 503

Tami is. : tale, 484

Tanjore : hook-swinging, 162, 165

Tansy : female of ragweed, Ire- land, 258

Tarakeswar : hook-swinging, 171

Tarbagatai mountains : as water- parting, 39

Tarland : communing with dead, 346

Tarred string : as amulet, Kent,

367 Tartars, 45

Taunton : well customs, 373 Tea cups : omen from filling, Wor-

cestersh., 370 Tea-leaves: fortune-telling, Jersey,