Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/108

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Catalogue of B^'and Material.

III. General Observances.


Early Rising. High places visited to see sunrise.




Peak Castle Hill Dartmoor Tors The Mendips - - - Wrekin and Titterstone -

Ditty used to rouse men- servants - - - -

To see a lamb on first rising betokens lucky marriage -

To visit every room in the house before breaking the fast secures housewife from troubles during the year -


Unlucky not to wear new clothes - - - -

Birds will clothes

drop upon old

Crows or rooks drop upon old clothes (probably the same bird is meant) - - -

Birds' dropping brings luck - Young man must give his

Valentine gloves A lucky day to change babies'

caps . . - .

Fire. Fires in houses extinguished Easter Eve . . - New fire made in churches (pre-Reformation) -

Fire and light not given out of house - - - -

Derbyshire. Devon. Somerset. Salop.

Devon (Staverton).


(Qy. locality and autho- rity ?).

Cumb., Westm., Yorks. (Richmond, Whitby), Lines. (Boston), Suf- folk, South Staffs.

Northumb., Westm.,

Lines. (Grantham),

Norfolk, Lanes.

Northumb., Cumb.,

Yorks. (E. Riding), Cheshire, Salop.

Yorks. (Cleveland).

Devon, Oxon. Yorks.

Leic. (1611).

Leicester, Reading, Westminster.

Staffs. (19th cent.).