Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/109

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

{d) Water.

Divination of year's pro- sperity from reflection of sun in pail of water -

" Sugar-cupping " (drinking sugar and water from cer- tain wells) - - _

{Easter Monday). Children drink liquorice water

{e) Plants.

Daffodils may be brought into house - . . Graves decked with flowers - Church decked with box (obs.) Cornfields visited. " Corn-showing " (taking cake and cider to wheat- fields) - - - - " Walking the wheat " Herbs eaten in forcemeat or puddings - - - -

(/) Special Viands.

Red herring riding away ^ -

Gammon of bacon (cf . Selden) Leg of pork stuffed with

herbs Lamb with mint-sauce

Veal (usually stuffed, and served with bacon) -

Veal with herb-pudding

Tansy pudding - - -

Duck (stuffed ?) to ensure payment of debts next year


Lines. (Marshland),


Northumberland, Derby- shire (High Peak).

East Riding.

Cornwall. Herefordsh, Ibid. (Kington).

Herefordsh. Monmouthsh.

(See below.)

Oxford (Queen's College,

17th cent.). North Country.

Salop (Ludlow). General among the well- to-do.

Hull, Lanes., Cheshire, Staffs., Herefordsh.

Cumb., Westm., West Yorkshire.

Durham, York, Lanes. (?), Norfolk, Cambridge (Trin. Coll.). Cf.

Selden and Pepys.

Devon (Plymouth).

1 Cf. "Herrings, herrings white and red! Ten a penny ! Lent is dead ! " F