Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/116

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Catalogtie of B^-and Material.

Throwing at cakes (qy. if

Easter ?) - Water-quintain (12th cent.) Miracle-plays.


Shropshire. London.

II. Special Local Celebrations. Easter Sunday

Bacon blessed by priest after mass distributed through the parish, 1395 -----

Parson feasts parishioners on bread and cheese and beer, in church, to circa 1598, afterwards in par- sonage-house - - - -

Parson provides Love-feast in the church to 1639 ; elsewhere, and on Monday, toiyis-

Scramble for apples in church-yard — (those married within the year throw three times as many as others) — followed by bread and and cheese and ale provided by parson . - - - -

Cakes (apparently provided by parson) distributed among young people in church, to 1645 ; after- wards penny loaves scrambled for by poor (1874) - - -

Cakes, bread, and cheese, distri- buted under supposed bequest of " Biddenden Maids " -

Easter eggs presented to congrega- tion after morning service

" Chipping the block." Members of College attempt to split the cook's chopping-block with a blunt axe, after dinner, and fee cook . - - - -

Lines. (Nettleham).

Salop (Clungunford).

Salop (Berrington).

Oxon. (Northmore).


Kent (Biddenden).

London (St. Mary Woolnoth).

Oxford (Univ. Coll.).

Special Local Celebrations. Easter Monday

Riding the Black Lad (efhgy clad in black, carried round town on horseback, shot at and finally burned. Marl-pit cleansed and mud spattered) _ - -

Lanes. (Ashton-under- Lyne) .