Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/117

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Catalogue of Bi'and Material.


Riding the Lord (man led round town on donkey and pelted with rotten eggs) - - - -

Riding Jack o' Lent(effigy mounted on loose horse and finally hung or burnt) -----

Hare-pie and Bottle-kicking. (Par- son provides out of legacy, hare- pie and beer to be scrambled for, followed by football — Melbourne V. Hallaton — with dummy bottle as ball) -----

Hare presented to parson, who re- turns a calf's head, 100 eggs and a groat -----

Hare-hunt (mock) attended by Mayor and Brethren, in scarlet gowns. Fair - - - -

Annual Stag-hunt in Epping Forest

Widows pernaitted to take load of wood froin Hainault Forest

Games reported to be held on moor by permission of Lord of the Manor -----

Special games annually played (by girls) in Park - - - -

" Ball-racing " on " Ball-Monday " (women's ?) foot races in Park. Small cakes (" suck-balls ") sold

Mayor and Burgesses, in scarlet, preceded by Waits, attended sports, got up for the Woodward at Robin Hood's Well

Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriff, pre- sided at games at the " Forth " (ancient local recreation ground), 1725 -----

Archery competition between Sheriffs for breakfast of calves' heads and bacon - . -

Archery competition among Gram- mar-School boys for (i) silver buckles, (2) a cock . - -

" Thread the Needle " played in the streets - - - .


Cheshire (Neston). Surrey (Haslemere).

Leicester (Hallaton). Warw. (Coleshill).

Leicester. Essex.

Barking and Dagenham.

Lanes. (Kirby).

Glos. (Mincliinhampton).

Oxon. (Hook Norton).


Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chester.


Evesham, Minchinhamp- ton.