Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/122

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

III. Observances. LOCALITY.

Boys feast secretly on pancakes made from stolen eggs[1] West Highlands and Hebrides.

Eggs collected and eaten for breakfast Caithness.

Dyed eggs rolled N.E. Scotland, "in some districts."

Eggs eaten for breakfast and eggshell boats sailed N.E. Scotland, "in other districts."

Eggs rolled in public park (Easter Eve) Dundee, Montrose and ForfarshireBurghs generally.

Called "Pasque Eggs" Arbroath.

"Dyed Egg Day " (1st Monday in April)[2] Borders (Jedburgh, etc.).

Rolling eggs on customary site on hillside Duns.

Eggs forbidden to be cooked by descendant of Cameronians Wigtownshire.

IV. Special Observance.

Visiting Fergan Well at midnight Banff (Kirkmichael).



I. Name.


II. Natural Phenomena.

Sun dancing Wexford.

III. Observances.

(a) Preparations.

Whitewashing cabins.

Hair-cutting and head-washing.

  1. See Folk-Lore, vi. 197, for virtue of stolen goods.
  2. Described in the Scotsman, 5th April, 1909, as the original day, the place of which has recently been usurped by introduction of English Easter customs.
  3. Is this Maundy Thursday?