Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/123

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Catalogue of Brand Material.


(6) Easter Eggs.

Collected by masqueraders -

Eaten out-of-doors, by chil- dren's picnic parties

Dyed and " trundled " (by Presbyterians only) -

(c) Special Viands.

Eggs must be eaten, especi- ally in - - - -

Breakfast of eggs, dinner of fresh meat . . -

Boiled fowl and bacon eaten after midnight

Every house must have meat in it

Bacon at Easter (Lever's novels).

[d) Amusements.

Dancing round a cake on a

garlanded pole - - Leitrim (Kiltubbrid).

Cockfighting _ _ - Co. Roscommon and

Connaught generally.


Wexford. Wexford. Belfast.

Connaught. Clare (Kilrush). Wexford. Wexford.

IV. Special Observances. (Easter Monday.)

Kissing the girls on " the Walter " Feast and sports - - - - Visiting the Cave-hill, dancing, etc. Visiting Scattery Island, going

round the beach to the Holy

Well on bare knees - - - Muster of city forces (infantry)

under command of Mayor.

Called " Black Monday " -

Co. Down (Portaferry). Co. Down (Lambeg). Belfast.

Co. Clare (Kilrush).


MAN. I. Natural Phenomena.

Sun bows down three times m adoration.

II. Traditional custom : Pilgrims came from Ireland and Scottish Isles to bring offerings to the Church : hence following traditional sayings :

" West wind before Easter to carry the pilgrims to the Mother Church in Mann, and East wind after, to carry them home again." or " East wind at Easter to drive the priests to Ireland.

West wind at Whitsuntide to drive them home again."