Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/125

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Catalogue of Brand Material.



The " Wap " (weavers' fes- tival ; Mock Mayor chosen, chaired, and splashed with water ; sprinkled others. " Bush " inns)

" Middleton Monday " (in- spection of highways ; schoolboys break loose) -

" The Cuckowe Prince " chosen at parish meeting, to succeed the " Cuckowe King " next year ^ -


Glos. (Randwick).

Nottingham (Hone's

E.D.B. 1826).

Wilts. (Mere.) (1565).



Caisg nam badach . . - " Law Sonday after pasche."


Wappynschawing " the nixt morn after "

West Highlands.

Edinburgh (1555).


The Monday and Tuesday a fortnight after Easter. Etymology

uncertain. Object, to collect money for pious uses.


Men and women severally " chained " roads and demanded

toll of kisses and money (obs.). Noticed in Documents - - Berks. (Reading).

„ „ - - Herts. (Bishop's Stort-

ford). „ ,, - - Hants, (parishes in).

,, „ - - West Kent (Brenchley).

1 Was his reign to last during the cuckoo's sojourn? say April 25th to June 24th.